Megan Williams, James Stewart
Doreen Ford, Claire Vordermann and Chloe Wilson
Allison Stafford-Bush
We assist with forming family trusts, trading trusts and charitable trusts. It is not just forming the trust that is the issue.
A trust needs to fit with your will, and you need to carefully document the transfer of assets to a trust and what will happen after you die. It must also be properly managed. We also offer a trust administration service which includes annual trust reviews including addressing the requirement to disclose trust information to beneficiaries.
It is important that your trust has an independent trustee so it survives scrutiny. We are the trustee for over 400 family trusts.
Trusts and companies are vehicles to achieve certain outcomes. We also assist with a number of other structures, many of which are motivated by taxation considerations. This includes preparing limited partnership documentation and forming trading trusts.
We have particular expertise as to compliance with the Trusts Act 2019. We assist our clients with varying trust deeds to comply with the new law, winding up trusts when they are no longer needed, as well as forming new trusts which comply with the Trust Act 2019.